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Faststream – Curating E-commerce landscape with Magento

Faststream has been part of the e-commerce ecosystem for the past 7 years and delivered Magento E-commerce or Magento-based solutions to over 30 clients. Our clientele has been online retailers with national and international e-Commerce horizons. We have helped our clients with their online strategy, storefront development, UI design, and online presence. Our experienced team of e-commerce professionals ensemble every day to drive the e-Commerce success of our clients.

Curating E-commerce landscape with Magento

Our philosophy is,

  • Work Smart
  • Get Things Done
  • No nonsense Core Value Worksheet

We put our customer and their journey to the forefront of the process, we develop storefronts that beat the competition and increase Revenue Growth and operational efficiency faster than your industry and competition. In conjunction with our clients, we explore a strategy for product differentiation, cost, and customer experience.

We determine your strengths, set targets, and therefore partner up your business case. The rise of the e-commerce specialist Due to the experience we have gained, we have become specialists in the field of e-Commerce.

Our mission is to provide the best service to our clients and develop a strategy that will lead to e-Commerce success. Full service of e-Commerce. We are an e-commerce company that offers advice to multi-tiered e-tailers who want to increase their sales and get more exposure. Our folks do a great job of curating all-around facets of your e-commerce venture viz. strategy, national/international expansion, and cross-channel mission.

Our graphic designers and marketing professionals ensure targeted traffic reaches your site, conversion takes place and loyalty is established. This is our delivery path.

With more than 6 years of e-Commerce experience, we have enabled organizations to succeed in the crowded e-commerce space for over 6 years, by developing storefronts and providing services that would maximize their e-Commerce venues.

We, on the strategic level, work with a market, vendor, and competitor analysis (national and international), business plans, and quarterly business reviews.

We experience a high level of engagement throughout the organization for our efforts to support growth within the company.

Upon entering E-commerce, you will find our culture to be dynamic, fast-paced, progressive, analytical, and highly commercial, and the organization to have a solid foundation for future growth.



Faststream helped one of the clients to design a next-generation vending machine solution using IoT and AI that supports functions such as predictive maintenance, customer-centric loyalty programs, and cashless transactions, and Faststream – Curating E-commerce landscape with Magento, feel free and contact us for more details: Email: