Our Smart City Solutions is a comprehensive system that features top-level design, integration, operations, and service applications. The Smart City applications currently leveraging today’s wireless networks are already showing significant benefits to communities, and are expected to transform local economies. We offer adaptable infrastructure solutions designed to keep developers and residents ahead of the curve by advancing in light of the regularly changing needs of cities. Our portfolio of IoT-powered Smart City solutions equip cities, economic zones, and urban planners to weave the benefits of connectivity, data, and analytics.
These systems consisting of readers and tags are playing a key role in the context of the IoT. By applying these technologies to any involved object, it is possible to carry out their automatic identification and assign a unique digital identity to each object, in order to be incorporated into the network and related to the digital information and service.
Near Field Communication (NFC) is used for two-way communication for short distances, especially in smartphones, usually in a centimeter range. Smartphones with NFC can also be used as a wallet, which enables us to use smartphones as bank card, identification cards, access control cards, etc.
LWPAN is one of the short-range radio technologies, which covers large distances of up to 10–15 km. The battery life is about 10 years in this technology as the energy consumption is extremely low. It has physical and medium access levels including the lowest two layers of protocols and upper layers protocols including 6LoWPAN and ZigBee.
In the sensor nodes, ZigBee is applied as a low-power and low-cost wireless communication technology. It is suitable for creating wireless personal area networks (WPAN) such as home automation, medical device collection, and other low-power, low-bandwidth. Some of its applications include wireless light switches, electrical meters, and traffic management systems. ZigBee is suitable for limited ranges, coverage of city regions, and supporting billions of devices.
WSNs can provide different suitable data and also may be used in many cases such as healthcare, government and environmental services, and seismic sensing. Furthermore, WSNs could be integrated with RFID systems to gain some goals like obtaining information regarding the position, movement, temperature, etc. A completed WSN is an extremely tiny low-power, low-cost sensor node which can be applied in any environment and works continuously for a few years.
IPv4 has been replaced by IPv6 due to the exhaustion of its address blocks and the inability to separately address nodes which is a characteristic of IoT networks. IPv6 solves the lack of enough nodes for IoT networks by providing 128-bit addresses.
LTE and 3G are available everywhere for the development and expansion of wireless communication infrastructures, which is a technology for broadband connectivity. It is applied for WANs which require longer distance ranges as it is designed for long-range uses. But there are some barriers to the implementation of this, which need to be addressed.